Sunday, May 9, 2010

Galactic Encounter Day - May 8 2010

The Rebel and 501st Legions and "invaded" the Orange County Regional History Center, which had a big science fiction exhibition.  The Rebel Legion rescued the center and then withdrew as Imperial forces arrived to invade and secure the facility. The crowds were lined up out the door to get in! Click on each picture to get a high resolution view

 The rebels rescue the facility from the evil grasp of the Empire

 Here come the Imperial reinforcements

 The invasion of this facility is complete!



There were close to (if not more than) a thousand people who waited in line to tour the Regional History Center, and the event was very successful. 

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

UCF Book Fair

The book fair at the University of Central Florida on April 17th was a big success!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dark Sky Festival

The Dark Sky Festival promotes awareness of light pollution, and ways to reduce it, so that astronomers can more easily view the stars through telescopes. Light pollution also can be harmful to wildlife who are accustomed to blackness at night. As our population has grown, so has the light "cloud" that hangs over cities and neighborhoods at night.

Harmony is a new community that uses the latest environmental conservation technologies to reduce water and power consumption, as well as to make the skies darker. There were a lot of vendors, exhibits, live music, and, of course, telescopes. We were mobbed with people wanting to take pictures with us! All in all, a fun, easygoing troop. Click on each picture for a large, high-res version.

Dark Sky Festival 2010



Dark Sky Fest 2009

Here are some pictures from the first Dark Sky festival the 501st participated in, in 2009. It was so much fun we wanted to come back!